Thursday, February 8, 2007

Like sands through the hourglass...

Geez, is it Wednesday already?

Where does the time go? Used to be, that the days dragged on and on. Now they going ripping by so fast. Work is good. Business is picking up. It's getting harder to keep track of every little thing.

Got letters to write today. Research to do. Clients to speak to.

I got my new camera in the mail. I'm so happy I could just squeak. It's supercool. Most of it is slightly above me too. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this thing I can tell. One more thing to learn about.

I'm trying to figure out where to take the girls this weekend My ex is off with her boyfriend, so I'll have them straight through until next Friday. Hmm. A short roadtrip would seem to be in order. But it's so freaking cold! Maybe we'll go to Nogales or something. Bah. Who knows?

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