Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What really bothers me about John McCain...

Is that he seems to have pilot disease.

What I mean by that, is that like a lot of former combat pilots (meaning airplane jocks), McCain seems to believe, deep in his skull, that the application of modern combat technology can win a guerrilla war. He's flat wrong of course. And McCain, who obviously was familiar with the North Vietnamese mindset, should know better.

We didn't lose that war because we didn't bomb enough, because we didn't erase enough targets. We lost because the Vietnamese people were willing to suffer as many casualties as it took to obtain self-determination. We saw the war in terms of a geopolitical contest. They saw it as a revolution.

I fear the same holds true now. Our concerns in Iraq are regional. We don't want a base for Al Qadae. We worry about the rise of militant Shiism. And we don't seem to understand that millions of young, unemployed Iraqi men simply want us out of their country so that they can get about governing themselves.

Watching John McCain I'm sure he doesn't get this. And that is why, although I respect him, I could never, ever, vote for him.

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